Showing posts with label AMERICAN MEDIA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMERICAN MEDIA. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


The following statement is from American Media, Inc.: 
Karen McDougal has been free to respond to press inquiries about her relationship with President Trump since 2016.  Thus, the suggestion that AMI "silenced" her is completely without merit.  Rather, Karen signed a contract that gave AMI the editorial discretion to publish her life story, and she promised to write health and fitness columns and appear on the cover of two magazines.  To date, AMI has published 20 of Karen's columns in print, all of which were syndicated on other entertainment properties, four stories on, in addition to a behind-the-scenes video shoot, and a story on which we are very proud of.  In addition, Karen has appeared on the cover of Muscle & Fitness Hers, which was the highest selling issue for 2017.  She was also slotted to appear on the cover of Men's Journal, a magazine with a circulation of 1,250,000, but she has not responded to repeated requests to schedule that photo shoot and through her attorney she indicated she believed she was not being paid enough to do all the work she had been asked to do. 
We have been very proud of Karen McDougal and our work with her.  The relationship has produced good journalism and content for our publications.  And until very recently, it was our understanding that Karen was satisfied with our editorial approach to her work with AMI's publications.  Her lawsuit is the first time AMI has learned of her desire to go a different direction. AMI has a valid contract with Ms. McDougal and we look forward to reaching an amicable resolution satisfactory to her and to AMI. 
