Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clint Eastwood. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2006


X-Men: The Last Stand star Hugh "The Boy from Oz" Jackman, was recalling his meeting of the Million Dollar Baby director. He used Eastwood's seminal performance from The Good, the Bad & The Ugly and Dirty Harry to form Wolverine's scarred psyche.

It was at a WB (movie) luncheon, Jackman told a group of French reporters. It was five ago and Eastwood was behind him in line- both ready to order lunch. As Jackman tried to introduce himself by currying favor with Clint by stating "...People have being saying I look a little bit like you." Eastwood just glared at him, like he was an idiot and stated "You're holding up the line, kid."

Jackman revealed that their will be extreme losses on both sides of the X-Men equation and that Wolverine will finally begin his accession- as leader of the team. Like Electra, there WILL be a spin-off focusing on Hugh's alter ego's beginnings, since he learned too much now, by the third chapter's (and most likely X-Men's ) finale.

He will co-produce the film with his Seed productions with 20th Century Fox, even though its the 21st century. The company is not just another tax write off for actors, Jackman revealed that actors should always be "proactive" and not be " a victim sitting by the phone waiting for a call."
