Data Hard: If they brought back, the sports game show American Gladiators,would you go on that show?
Mia St. John: (thinking about it) No.
DH: Really?
Mia: Yeah, I already tried out for the show (as a host for brief, but recent NBC version in 2007.Rival Boxing champ Layla Ali got the job.)
DH: Hmmm.
St. John: My brother tried out for (Gladiators, as a contestant) and the obstacle course (the end game, called the Eliminator) was too difficult for him. (A bit sullen now.)
DH: That's right, Layla Ali was the co-host on that. But, she wasn't very good.
Mia: (She has perked up) What?
DH: (Layla Ali) wasn't very good.
St John: (smiling again) That's good to hear.