
Monday, November 28, 2016


The CW network is seeing a renaissance of creativity and decent  ratings ,since the UPN and  CW merged the best of their former networks. Under Mark Pedowitz who succeeded Dawn Ostroff who turned the  female driven channel,in a sea of female networks (Oxygen,OWN, Lifetime,WE, & ABC Family/Freeform,which had become the new WB) into the DC Superhero network. He also been able to continue to extend a hand to the ladies with the horror show that will never die, SupernaturalJane the Virgin and white soul sister series, Crazy EX Girlfriend. Should the competition based GSN, which has pathetically chased female demo for years, create more guy centric games and save the network, like the CW did?

GSN time slot's are 70% filled w/ Steve Harvey's Family Feud, thanks to binge watching its the ONLY show that averages about 500,000+ viewers all day long. The recent episodes, give the channel an allure of relevance.

Currently president Amy Introcaso-Davis, keeps trying to run the channel ,like its the Oxygen network and only wants to launch women based shows, yet failed to be female compassionate and give away parting gifts to the losers on her shows. She even cancelled: Emmy nominated quiz marathon game (hosted by a woman!) The Chase & a less dark version of often reran series Chain Reaction, which still gets good numbers that exceed or nearly matched the Feud runs.

The self produced hits now, only include Idiot Test (the smartest show ever produced on the channel) and reality show clone Skin Wars.Wars success is troubling, since the network spent almost 20 years to find a reality show hit. Once they did, they just tried to clone Wars,with Steampunk-ed and a spin-off show called Skin Wars:Fresh Paint. Even worse for GSN, Wars numbers are cooling with woman, and men tiring of the non-sexualized female models being painted on this show, not being showcased like a Deal or No Deal model. This is the height of Davis's reign, other than being smart enough to buy the Feud reruns, in the first place.

The network hoped to find more comedy based,knock-offs, that succeed like Feud.This lead to failed clones like, Mind Of A Man with Empire alum Dee Ray Davis or Top Ten Fact Stacker, Winsanity with former Scrubs star Donald Faison.

Putting a man back in charge proves, "that Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with" and launch games that appeal to men without running off the ladies,like in the glory days of Head TV programmer Bob Boden. His reign lead to a Renaissance of gaming. It included critical acclaimed and popular games: quizzers Russian Roulette, Friend or Foe and the rerun abused Whammy!,the all new Press Your Luck w/ Emmy winner Todd Newton. Three shows that need to be relaunched, pronto.

The new guy can launch the Feud clones properly with outright looking, like their doing that. This could lead to buying reruns of Wipeout- the hilarious Double Dare style game show, hosted by John Henson & Anderson. Also, another show in this vein, Oh Sit!, basically an indoor knockoff of Wipeout, but as big money musical chairs. The new guy can also launch sex based puzzle games in untried territory, like late night or bring back the prime time interactive games (phone/web) that kept viewers glued to see if they won, during the commercials.

Scum-bag elect Donald J. Trump said, about Hilary Clinton.....on the Epic Rap Battles of History. "We need a STRONG male leader" who deliver games that's appealing to men that satisfy woman- without making stupid,youth chasing programming decisions- that alienate everyone (like Trump himself) and as the Cinema Sins YouTube site deduced, ".....Reasons?!"


Thursday, November 17, 2016




The major motion picture industry picked up millions of unexpected customers this past weekend as Americans flocked to the box office in the wake of the U.S. Presidential election, and there is evidence the surge could last for several weeks. 
According to industry reports, the overall box office was just over $157 million, significantly higher than predicted. 
"America went back to the movies this weekend," said Jack MacKenzie, EVP of PSB, a leading entertainment market research firm. "It appears we collectively left work Friday or woke up Saturday and chose movies as the way to deal with whatever was on our minds. This upheaval bump could very well last throughout the important holiday season."
Nearly every movie in theaters outperformed expectations, including movies that had opened on previous weekends. "The performance of Dr. Strange and Trolls was stunning," MacKenzie said. "It suggests America held its collective breath the last week of the campaign and exhaled this weekend. It was opening weekend all over again."
According to Box Office Mojo, Trolls took in $34 million, only a 24% drop from opening weekend.  Dr. Strange took in $42.9 million, a little more than half of its opening weekend performance of $84 million.  Other strong performers included Hacksaw Ridge ($10.6/-30%) and The Accountant, which raked in $4.4m—down only 25% from the prior week.
Leading the opening weekend pack was Arrival, which far exceeded expectations and tracking predictions by bringing in $24 million.  According to exclusive exit poll data, VeriTES data shows that more than half of Arrival's customers decided to see it same day. "Not only did nearly 33% more people make the sudden decision to escape to the movies this weekend than normally would – most of them chose to see a film about communicating with an alien species," said Jeff Neuman, President of VeriTES. "While audiences have ever expanding platforms for entertainment, movies remain the most egalitarian and immediately accessible way for social escapism, a collective change the subject narrative." 
According to PSB and VeriTES analysis, the weekend performance is a repeat of prior box office performances following social upheaval. "If you go back to the economic crisis of 2009 and more recently the Brexit vote in the UK, movies have served as the nation's salve before, said MacKenzie. "Our data tells us it is happening again."
Given the historical data, combined with the continued social unrest, MacKenzie says it's likely the US box office could be in for a good run. "The studios have tent-poles and big budget moves lined up over the next six weeks.  This could be a situation where 1+1 equals more than 2 and could help Hollywood end the year in positive territory," MacKenzie said.

