A security guard worked the New Years Night party, at the Wiltern Theater. He noticed the arrogant Scrubs star- walking about in her cocktail dress, not as sexy or as noticeable, as half the sluttier dressed woman there. One of the girls which was there, was giving him her phone number ( a young Teri Hatcher type,) when her boyfriend intervened and took her home.
Then, while he was sat near the Ladies bathroom on a bench (on his break.) Reyes passed by him- with two equally bigoted white girlfriends (one blond and one red haired.) They began making faces and comments- as to how normal he was, because Reyes thought he was gay. The red haired girl remarked (since he started listening,) "me...too," and they all crept into the bathroom. After a few minutes, one girl (allegedly Reyes, but most likely the blond, then extended the bullying with this:
"Some....Boy (secondary slur for blacks) was looking at me like he wanted me, when we all know he's gay." They continued (as apparently all gay bullies do) that he "should just come out of the closet (to justify their hate speech and gaydar) and "join [them] in the [Ladies] bathroom where [he] belongs."
After they left, they all seemed stunned the he and other party guests listening-who looked at them- with surprise and contempt. They all walked to the top of the stairs, after choosing to leave individually. Once they did, Reyes then said sheepishly, "I...still think, you're gay!" Finally, they all laughed and pranced themselves up the stairs.
The next day (near Beverly Hills,) apparently Reyes had stalked the guard down, with a weirdly interested look on her face. She was talking on the phone and spoke quietly, other that to call him a "He-bitch" over the phone. The guard simply declared the confused hate monger, "A fucking cunt" and went about his business. Reyes (without apology or explanation) left the area- several minutes later.